The 3D pregnant female morph model now available from 3D Science is developed by medical illustrators to show changes in the lower female abdomen during gestation. The base for the morph is generated from scans of live models with optimized geometric resolution.
The 3D pregnant female morph model is a derivative of the 3D female integumentary system, with geometry carefully crafted to provide resolution in key areas for high quality rendering with excessive and superfluous geometry removed to increase functionality of the product. The morph begins the gestation process at conception and carries through to full-term. The package includes the skin of the female and the uterus, showing the changes in the lower abdominal and pelvic region that take place during pregnancy. A full-term fetus (non-morphing) is included with the model that is scaled to fit inside the expanded uterus. The model can be purchased with or without texture maps for the female skin and hair. The fetus and the uterus are not textured.
Zygote's Solid 3D Anatomy has set the standard in CAD and Simulation for over a decade.
"We used the complete Zygote Male Anatomy Collection as the basis for much of the work we completed "Fight For Life". The brief was for us to have absolute accuracy in all the shots we finished and the accuracy of the Zygote model was a great starting point for us. "
Philip Dobree / Director and VFX Supervisor - Jellyfish Pictures